On being an artist.
today is a low point
my creativity slumbers
and snores, a dull
orange coal ash-covered
how I yearn for leaping flames
exhilarating moments
when stone animals
spring forth from my hands
but today my arms hurt
the workbench miles away
I feel like a bad wizard
punished in spite of my powers
they are on hold somewhere
locked in another room
so I ask the universe,
what did I do wrong?
nothing is wrong
it’s just an artist’s rhythm
a seasonal fluctuation
and spring will come soon
with its outrageous energy
followed by summer’s grind
of weeding and watering
then reaping of glorious fruit
too soon the cast-off husks resume their journey
into soil, once-green leaves
brown and sere and crumbling
then creativity must slumber
so it can draw nourishment
from the rich elements of rot
cycled down into tiny bits
in a fully fallow field
nothing shows above ground
but everything is ready
to emerge into flower
this season forces us
into resting, but to avoid
going mad, we must believe
a dullness is necessary
emptying before refilling
whose dark but fruitful span
must be managed with care
or doubts will drag us down
when we hear that siren call
luring us into deep waters
we must remember to swim
to the surface again
we must convince ourselves
that spring is on its way
in the annual miracle
as old as seed’s history
every artist must deal with
the cycle, but some of us can’t
and are damaged or misled
by the confusing signals
some of us may sprout
before we are ready, but
we can survive by fueling
during the long winter fast
artists are not just the bark
of the tree, nor just root
but also branches
and trembling leaves
we are fragile but tough
designed to transform
the sun’s light into food
a vital role in every culture
when you look into this mirror
oh artist
do you see your future face?
Photos were taken by me unless otherwise noted and marked with an asterisk if still available.
Contact me to purchase.
1 Working on a mouse 2020 (photo by Diane Taylor)
2 *Blue, mosaic tile and mirror, 2013 (photo by Wilson Graham)
3 Sunflowers, mosaic tile and mirror 2014
(Inga Sidor & Richard Donovan collection)
4 Man of Ashes, mosaic, tile and mirror 2013
5 Shivering Woman, stone sculpture 1988
6 *Hummingbird and Spring Flower, mosaic 2014
7 Free Spirit, stone sculpture 1992